rajma chawal

 Rajma chawal or rajma rice is delectable rajma masala (red kidney beans masala) blended in with rice, a solace nourishment for some, who grew up eating this incredible mix of carbs and protein. While I for one got acquainted with the delights of rajma chawal decently as of late, I don't deny how consoling and filling it tends to be, particularly after a long excursion for work or a get-away where you don't eat your typical nourishment for broadened timeframes.

I'm in New York for a week and just like the standard, after an absolute travel season of 28 hours (counting a 6-hour delay in Frankfurt), I feel mind dead. The elation of being in New York again helps yet insufficient to deliver me once again from my headache actuated trance state.

However, pause, I ought to have composed this in the past tense since it's been 1.5 days since I arrived and I am better. Not yet awesome, however better. What's more as Mondays tend to come sooner than later, I am working, taking a fast short breather.

So a speedy post this will be.

At the point when my sister initially acquainted rajma beans with my mother a couple of years back and she called it Rajamma for quite a while, unexpectedly what my nephew's caretaker was called. Makes me laugh hysterically even today when Amma says Rajamma Masala for rajma masala.


  • 1 cup of rajma / red kidney beans
  • 1 cup of rice, cooked
  • 1 targe onion, sliced thin
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp of cumin / jeera
  • 1" piece of Indian cinnamon, powdered
  • 1" piece of ginger, grated
  • 2-3 green chillies, chopped (or 3/4 tsp red chilli powder)
  • 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp of coriander powder
  • 1 tsp of chaat masala
  • 2 tbsp of oil
  • salt to taste


1.   Soak the rajma (kidney beans) for at least 8 hours or overnight. Pressure cook for 5-6 whistles until soft yet not mushy. Set aside.

2.   Heat oil and add the cumin seeds. When they sizzle and begin to change colour, add the onions. When they turn pink, add the powdered cinnamon, ginger, and green chillies. Fry for 2-3 mins.

3.   Then add the coriander powder, amchur or tamarind, and turmeric. Mix well and cook for another 3-4 mins. My onion-masala mixture is red because I used red chilli powder instead of green chillies.

4.   Add the cooked rajma along with the water used to cook it in and the sliced tomato. Mix well and let simmer for 5 mins.

5.   When the gravy thickens a bit, add the chaat masala and salt. Mix well, bring to boil again and turn off heat.

6.   Add cooked rice and mix gently.

7.   Garnish with chopped coriander leaves (cilantro) and serve warm with some plain yogurt.


Rajma Chawal Recipe with Step by Step Pictures

1. Soak the rajma (kidney beans) for at least 8 hours or overnight. Pressure cook for 3-4 whistles until soft yet not mushy. Set aside.

2. Heat oil and add the cumin seeds. When they sizzle and begin to change colour, add the onions. When they turn pink, add the powdered cinnamon, ginger, and green chillies. Fry for 2-3 mins.

3. Then, add the coriander powder, amchur or tamarind, and turmeric. Mix well and cook for another 3-4 mins. My onion-masala mixture is red because I used red chilli powder instead of green chillies.

4. Add the cooked rajma along with the water used to cook it in and the sliced tomato. Mix well and let simmer for 5 mins.

5. When the gravy thickens a bit, add the chaat masala and salt. Mix well, bring to boil again and turn off heat.

You can stop at this step, serve this in a bowl with rotis and call it rajma masala. Or, you can go ahead and make a one-pot meal out of it. Add cooked rice and mix gently.

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves (cilantro) and serve warm with some yogurt. Rajma chawal thayyaar!


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