Sweet and spicy amla candy

Amla candy is easily avilable in supermarkets these days.This is a supermarkets these days.This is a great way of having amla daily without going to buy it fresh.Making this at home is pretty easy and it has no preservations in it.

Amla candy recipe:


sugar-2 cup powdered+1/2 cup

Drain the water take the amla in a plate and sundry for 2 to 3 days till it is nicely dried up.

Now take it in a bowl,add some powdered sugar and mix well.

Store this in a dry jar.

You can enjoy this daily.This keeps well for a 2 weeks.


take regular sugar in a blender
Powder it finely...set aside
Take big and firm amla
Wash well and place it in a steamer and steam cook for 15mins
Now it cooked.cool down completely
Separate the seeds from the flesh
Take it in a bowl
Add powdered sugar
Mix well
Now it is nicely combined
Take it in a clean jar
Store for 2to3 days..you can see lots of water has come out from the gooseberry
Strain it
Dont throw the strained liquid,add more cold water to it
Squeeze some lemon juice and drink it
Now spread the gooseberry in a plate
Sundry for 2days till it is all dried up
Take it in a bowl
Add some powdered sugar over it
Toss well
Store it in a air tight container

Spicy amla candy recipe:


1kg amla/gooseberry
600 gm sugar
to taste garam masala acc
to taste brown sugar
2tsp chat masala
1/2 tsp black salt
1/2 tsp rock salt
to taste normal salt


1.Wash the amla 2-3 times
2.Give only one pressure in pressure cooker by adding 1/2 cup water.Remove it from cooker in a stainer.Store the stock that you can take in as amla juice which is rich in vitamin c
3.Dessed all the amal and add all amla with 600 sugar in a glass or plastic container.Keep it aside for 3 days
4.After 3days,drain all the sugar water and spread amla on plastic sheet.Sprinkle chat masala,garammasala and some brown sugar on it.You can add all these according to your taste as how much sweet taste you want or spicy taste.Add all three types salt and mix it well.Dry it in direct sunlight for 2-3 days untill it comes in non sticky stage amla candy is ready
5.If you want to make sweet amla candy then add only brown sugar and little salt.

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