
Jalebi is a popular sweet from the indian cuisine.It is sold in all mithai shops and is also a popular street food sold by cart vendors in western and northern indian cities and towns.


For Making Jalebi Batter:

1 cup all purpose flour-125 grams
2 tsp gram flour(besan)
1/8 tsp turmeric powder
1 pinch baking soda or 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 cup water
1 to 2 tsp all purpose flour to be addaed later the batter has fermented

For Sugar Syrup:

1 cup sugar-150grams
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp saffron strands
oil for deep frying,as required-you can also use ghee instead

Jalebi recipe step by step photos:

How to make jalebi:

1.In a mixing bowl,take 1 cup(125 grams)all-purpose flour.Add 2 tsp besan or gram flour,a pinch of baking soda and 1/8  tsp turmeric powder.
2.Mix all the above dry ingredients very well with a spoon or spatula.
3.Now add 3/4 to 1 cup water.The amount of water to be added depends on the quality of flour used;i added 1 cup water.

  Make sure the batter has a medium consistency and is flowing.
4.Within the spatula,spoon or wired whisk,first mix.Break any lumps while mixing.You can also use your hands for mixing.
5.Then in round circular directions stir the batter briskly for 4 to 5 minutes.This adds volume to the batter and makes it even,flowing and smooth.There should be no liumps in the batter.
6.The batter should have a flowing consistency.Cover and keep the batter to ferment in a warn palce for 12 to24 hours.

  In a hot humid climate it will take about 6 to7 hours for the batter to ferment.Whereas in a cool or cold temperature,it can take more than 10 hours and above.

  Make sure not over-ferment the batter as it will become very sour with an unpleasant smell.
7.This is how the batter looks the next day.You will see small and tiny bubbles on the top.

 I kept the batter to ferment for 15 hours as the room  temperature was 26 degrees celsius on this day.
8.Stir the batter.If you look carefully,you can see the batter has become slightly thinner than what it was before fermentation.
9.To thicken the batter again,add 1 to 2 tbs of all purpose flour.At this step,add flour accordingly.

  Remember you need to get a batter which is thick but flowing.
10.Mix very well with a sppon or wired whisk.
11.Pour the completed batter in a squeezy bottle(old ketchup bottles are great for this!).Keep aside.You can also use coconut shell with a small hole in it,a piping bag or make your own piping bag with parchment paper.
Make Sugar Syrup:

1.Take 1 cup sugar in a pan.Add 1/4 tsp saffron strands to it.I highly recommend that you add saffron,as if gives a nice orange-yellow color and a fragrant aroma to the jalebis.
 If you do not have saffron,then add 1/2 tsp cardamom powder for aroma and 1/8 tsp of turmeric powder or natural yellow or orange food coloring extract for color.
2.Add 1/2 cup water.
3.Place the pan on the stovetop over a low heat and begin to stir so that all the sugar dissolves.
4.On a low to medium heat,cook the sugar syrup.Stir at intervals.
5.Cook till you get one string consistency in the sugar syrup.To check,touch slightly cooled drops of the syrup between your index finger and thumb.You will see the formation of a single strand or one string when you join and pull your fingres apart.

 Note that sugar syurp will be very hot.So before checking the  it in a small sppon or add a few drops of it on a plate.Allow it cool slighly for some seconnds till the heat can be tolerated and is fine to touch.
6.Once you get the one string consistency,switch off the heat and add 1/4 tsp of lime or lemon juice.Stir well.

  Keep the suagr syrup on the burner itself so that it remains warm when you add jalebi in it.
Fry Jalebi:

1.Heat ghee or oil for deep frying in a heavy bottomed kadai or pan.Ghee gives a better flavour,but you can use either or a 50/50 split of the two.

 If you opt for oil,be sure to choose a high smoke point and natural flavored option like sunflower or a good vegetable oil.
2.To check the temperature of oil,add a tiny amount of batter to the oil.If it comes up quickly and gradually the oil is hot enough for the jalebis to be fired.

 Proper frying temperature is 350 degrees fahrenheit/176 degrees celsius.
3.Now squeeze the bottle and make concentric rings with the batter.
4.Either start from the center and move outside or vice verse.Be a careful while making jalebi as the oil is hot.
5.You won't get perfect shapes as the jalebis keep on moving while you make the circkes.This does require practice and it also depends on what equipment you are using to make them.
6.When one side is partly cooked and the batter has firmed up,turn over with a pair of tongs and fry the other side.
7.Some jalebi will cook faster than others.
8.Fry till the oil stops sizzling and the jalebis are a light golden.Remove with tongs or a bamboo skewer,shaking them to drain the extra oil.
Soak Jalebi In Sugar Syrup:

9.Immediately put the fried jalebi in the sugar syrup.The sugar syrup should still be warm when you add the jalebi to it.
10.With a wooden skewer,tongs or spoon,turn over after a minute so that both sides are coated with the syrup.
11.Keep them in the syrup for about 2 to 3 minutes.If you keep for two minutes,they will be lightly colored and if you keep for 3 minutes or more,they will have a deeper color.
12.Remove with a wooden skewer or tongs.Shake lightly so that the excess sugar syrup falls back in the pan.Place them on a plate or tray lined with a foil or butter paper.
13.Make all jalebi this way.If possible,i recommend you get help making the jalebi otherwise you'll be very busy multitasking.
14.Serve jalebi hot,warm or at room temperature.The leftovers can be kept in an air-tight container and refrigerated for up to 5 days.
How to serve Jalebi:

Jalebi can  be served alone or in combination With other Food items. For example,some people like to have jalebi with milk or with rabri the sweetened thickened milk dish.

In Gujarat, fafda is a popular combination with jalebi, whereas in Indore City, it is served with indori Poha. Jalebi can also be served for breakfast with a glass of warm milk.

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