veg fried momos

Veg Fried Momos are crispy & delicious deep-fried dumplings made of plain flour stuffed with crunchy & mildly spiced vegetables.

Fried momos are best served with a spicy freshly made tomato garlic chutney knows as momos chutney or any other spicy dip of your choice.

To make veg fried momos at home,follow the detailed step by step recipe with photos posted below:


For The Wrappers:

1 cup maida(plain flour)
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp oil
1/4 cup water
oil for frying

For The Filling:

1 cup grated cabbage(patta gobi)
1/2 cup grated carrots
1/4 cup chopped onions
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 inch oiece of ginger
1-2 green chillies
1/2 tbsp black pepper powder(kali mirch)
1 tbsp salt,or to taste
1 tbsp oil

Preparing The Dough:

Add 1 cup maida(plain flour)in a large mixing bowl.
Add 1 tbsp of salt and 1 tbsp oil to the mixture.Mix to coat the maida thoroughly with oil.
Add 1/4 cup water in small increments and start kneading to make a supple dough.
When the dough is smooth and soft,cover it with a damp muslin cloth and let iot rest for 20 mins.
Preparing The Filling:

Heat oil in pan over medium-high heat.When oil becomes hot add minced ginger,garlic and finely chopped grren chillies.
Then add finely chopped onions and saute on high heat for a min.You do not have to brown the onions,just soften them slightly.
Keeping the heat high,add grated carrots to the pan.
Then add the grated vabbage.Mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.Mix and cook for 1-2 more minutes till the water from the stuffing has evaporated.
Mix well set the filling aside to cool down.Let it close to room tempreture before using for best results.
Shapping The Momos:

Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and shape them into cylindrical logs.Then cut the logs into 8-10 equal sized pieces.
Shape a piece into a small ball by rolling it between your hands.Place it on a lightly oiled surface.
Flatten out the ball into a small disc with the help of a rolling pin.Keep the edges slightly thinner and the middle part slightly thicker.
Place a tablespoon of filling onto the disc.
Start gathering the edges of the disc towards the center in overlapping pleants.Do this for half the side of the disc.
Press the second half of the disc to the pleated half to create crescent shaped dumplings.
Prepare all the momos this way.At this point you can steam the momos for 3-5 minutes if you want.However i prefer frying them directly.
Fried The Momos:

Heat oil and deep pan at medium heat.Gently drop the momos in the hot oil.Do not overcrowd the momos.
Gently turn the momos and keep frying them on medium heat till they are golden brown and crispy on all sides.
Fry all the momos in batches this way.Then place them on an absorbent paper.
Veg fried momos are ready.Serve them hot with momo chutney or spicy chilli sauce.

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